Exhibitions / Events
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The GROUND / Since 2011


FUN-TO-WEAR (Art/Fashion exhibition by SUN WOO)

“The importance of having fun”

옷은 단순히 날씨와 외부로 부터 우리 몸을 보호하는 수단을 지나, 멋과 아름다움 그리고 개성의 표출로 자신을 표현하는 도구로 발전한다. 아티스트, Sunwoo Chang 의 옷들은, 표현의 도구로서의 의미는 물론이요, “PLAY” 와 “FUN”의 속성을 지향하고 있다......

Exhibition / 2022

Mar 18th 
Through April 17

︎419 Ttukseom-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul 
︎ The GROUND New York  Since 2011
Running on Cargo